Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our best product yet! LetGo already making impact!!

Can there be a mobile app which could change individual minds and make the world a better place ?

Well, if the answer is a Yes, it will have to be a step by step journey... a marathon not a sprint!  (although one will have to make certain specific laps a lot quicker!) We have taken the first step and it is nice to see the positive feedback we are already getting.

Here's our winning pitch at TWIST Colombo Meet Up. This Week in Start Up is a Live internet show run by famous host Jason Calacanis. We are thrilled about the way the show hosts (Jason, Tyler and Shamal)  has shared our enthusiasm and passion.

For more information on LetGo, see here.

If you have any specific feedback, input, criticisms for us, please feel free to post them here. All thoughts are welcome and we will answer all comment you have on LetGo.

We are excited and planning to launch with a big bang! pretty soon too!! stay tuned.......

BTW, those who like to join with us on this exciting venture, do write to us. We are hiring, graphic designers, Android developers and iOS developers. Let's change the world!